
Saturday, May 31, 2014

24 cloud brushes by Mila Vasileva

24 cloud brushes by Mila Vasileva


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Friday, May 30, 2014

Japan Rock

Japan Rock 


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Aurora Effect

Aurora Effect

Here's one Final Result
If you're a Windows Vista user, you're familiar Probably the eye catching graphics shown off on the box, and in some of tình wallpapers / screensavers. In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to create the effect yourself Furniture.
This Vista Lighting Effect, sometimes referred to as the Aurora Effect , can really transform an ordinary wallpaper to something extraordinary. What makes it better thậm là it's very easy to Achieve. Just follow these simple steps! 

Step 1

Before we can actually get started on the lighting effects, we need to create a background for the effect. We can not simply use any background we choose, but rather create an appropriate canvas to begin with. Find a photograph to use as the basic palette for your background. It can be any image really ... just make sure it has a lot of lights and darks in it. Alternatively, you can download the Attached Photo Sample and work with the same photograph I'll be using.  Original Photograph

Step 2

From here, we need to apply a very strong Gaussian Blur to our Photograph. Go to Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur, and bring the slider to something high. You really want to get rid of all the detail in the photo, and have all the colors mesh together. I Applied a Gaussian Blur of 75.
Apply a Gaussian Blur

Step 3

Now we are going to DRASTICALLY change our background by adding a Color Balance Adjustment Layer. To create this layer, go to Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Color Balance. A "New Layer" sewing box pop up, just click Ok through that. Next you'll see 3 Different sliders, as well as 3 separate ranges to choose from (Shadows, Midtones, and Highlights). At this point, it's really just about experimenting with the sliders in each range until you find a suitable result. If you're using the photograph I supplied, these were the values ​​I used: Shadows: -37, -40, 7 Midtones: 15, 62, 0 Highlights: -34, 0, 69
Background with Color Balance Applied

Step 4

That's it for the background. We're done with it. You may choose to Edit Your Color Balance layer later on (just double click on the icon next to it), but otherwise, we can move onto the effect. To begin, select the Elliptical Marquee Tool khỏi toolbar. Make a large selection, spanning all the way across your canvas. You may need to move your selection while making it in order to make a large selection vd. If you need to do this, hold the spacbar while dragging your mouse (Do not let go of the left mouse button). Nên end up with a slightly curved at nhất selection Furniture covers half the canvas.
Making a Selection

Step 5

Create a new Layer (Above the Adjustment Layer, mind you), and grab your Brush tool from the toolbar. Choose the default brush, and then modify the size to something large, như 200-300, and set the hardness to 0. Choose White as your foreground color. This part may take some trial and error, but essentially, you are going to brush just the very inside of the selection you just made. Try to brush evenly across the whole selection.
Brush in the selection

Step 6

Easy enough, huh? Set the blending mode of this layer to Overlay. Deselect everything (Ctrl + D or Select> Deselect). Now, transform this layer than near-là là Vertically Positioned along the right side of the canvas. To transform, go to Edit> Free Transform, or Ctrl + T.
Transform your stream of light

Step 7

Repeat steps 5 and 6 once or twice, and use smaller brush sizes (and possibly a larger brush size). Be sure to put each new band of light onto a new layer!
Repeat the steps lighting

Step 8

Now that we have 2 or 3 Different bands of light, we will not need to make anymore of them. Thay, you can duplicate the layers you've made, and Freely transform them to trở new shapes. Remember, Ctrl + T to transform. You can get some interesting effects by holding the Alt, Ctrl, and Shift Keys while dragging the transformation nodes.
After 10 or so layers of this

Step 9

That's really all there is too it! For add effect, you can add some extra color into it using Color Balance Layers. In order to do this, Select của Several light layers (Ctrl + Shift + Click a Layer in the Layers Panel), and then add a new Color Balance Adjustment layer (Like we did in step 3). The Color Balance Adjustment layer will automatically create a layer mask over it only gets áp Furniture over the selection you made. Furniture Just be sure these new adjustment layers are on top of the lighting layers.
Another Final Result.  The background has been darkened and desaturated.
And here is the PSD if you wish to take a looksie.  
If you enjoyed this effect, you'll love our other Photoshop Tutorials on Tutorial9!  
Download The PSD

Dynamic Particle Explosion

Lately, I've received vài requests for tutorials on how to use some of our resources, or more specifically, how to Achieve the look in the preview images. In this tutorial, I'm going to explain my process for using our latest freebie brush set to create a particle explosion.
For this tutorial you will need to download the new FREE brush set, Dust Particles . Below is a look at what we'll be creating using the brushes. Click the image to view the full preview. 
I think you'll be surprised how easy is to create this effect. Lets dive in ...

Step 1

Create a blank document at 300dpi 2400 × 1200 with a background color set to # 191 919. Choose a heavy bold white font and enter some text của choice.
Apply The following layer styles to your text.

Step 2

Press the letter (D) On Your keyboard to reset your colors to black and white. On a new layer, above your text, rendering some clouds (Filter | Render | Clouds).
Set this layer's blending mode to Overlay.

Step 3

Now load the Dust Particle khỏi brush brushes palette. On a new layer, using a white brush, begin clicking to place some of the particles around your text. Choose Different brushes, and size them down accordingly.  
On a new layer use another particle brush, a bit larger sized coal the others, and then apply a (Filter | Blur | Gaussian Blur) to make it vẻ as though some of the particles are too close to the camera to be in focus.
This brush set makes the previous step incredibly easy. Drawing and PLACING these particles individually would have taken a Considerable amount of time.

Step 4

Now lets our rasterize type. (Ctrl + click) the type layer and select "Rasterize Type" from the drop down. Now we can use one of the particle brushes as an eraser to remove pieces of the type to make it vẻ like pieces of broken off.

Step 5

Lets add a Gradient Map adjustment layer and use a gradient similar to the one below.
Now, on a new layer, below the text, use a large soft white brush with opacity set to around 10-20% to paint a bit of light behind the text. Set this layers blending mode to Linear Dodge (Add).
I hope this tutorial has shown you some new Techniques, and how custom brushes can create impressive effects in just a few clicks.
Here's a view of the effect at 100% zoom.

Embedded Concrete

It's amazing what you can accomplish with layer styles. It's a feature of Photoshop Furniture is fun to play and experiment with. The short tutorial below is the result of some of my spending a few minutes Experimentation with layer styles.

First up, you'll need this texture pattern to follow along with the tutorial. Download it here. + Double click the. pat file to install it. 
Here's a look at what we'll be creating.

Step 1 - Creating the Background

Create a new document. Mine is 558 × 600 72 dpi. On a new layer, fill it with any color you choose. Then double + click the layer to open the Layer Styles window. Apply the settings sau.
For the pattern, choose the grunge pattern from the download.
Nên end up with something like this. Not bad for just a few layer styles, right?

Step 2 - Adding and styling the text.

Next, we need to add some text. Any text will do. In my example I used Impact for the font. I am also tilted it a little bit to the left. Once you've nhập your text, apply layer styles sau.
Your text nên now look similar to mine.

Step 3 - Final Touches

For some final adjustments, I rasterized the text. Then I used a brush from the Brush Set Free Dust Particles as an eraser to remove some portions of the text.  
Last, I used another brush from the set, and áp a single click on a new layer above all others. Then I copied the áp layer styles to the text by Ctrl + Clicking the layer and Selecting "Copy Layer Style", then Ctrl + Clicking the brush layer and Selecting "Paste Layer Style". I wanted to give the particles the same look of the text inset.
I hope this quick and simple tutorial has given you a bit of inspiration to experiment with layer styles to see what kind of effects you can create!

Watch Dogs Parkour in Real Life

Watch Dogs Parkour in Real Life

_Bear Volibear_

Cowboy VS Aboriginal

Cowboy VS Aboriginal

_Bear Volibear_

Metal Texture

Step 1

Create a new Photoshop document (File> New or Ctrl+N). For this tutorial, we’ve created a 800×600 pixels document.
New Photoshop Document

Step 2

Set the background color to 50% grey. You can edit the background color by clicking on the background color in the toolbox.
Photoshop Color Picker

Step 3

Now we’ll add some noise to the image. To do this, use the Add Noise tool (Filter> Noise> Add Noise). Select Uniform and checkmark Monochromatic. The Amount you specify will determine how visible the metal grain will be.
The Add Noise Tool

Step 4

Use the Motion Blur tool (Filter> Blur> Motion Blur) to blur the grain.
The Motion Blur Photoshop Filter

Step 5

Now we need to enlarge the layer to hide the edge effect caused by the Motion Blur filter. To do this, use the Rectangular Marquee tool (M) to create a selection of most of the brushed metal area.

Step 6

Use the Transform tool (Edit> Transform> Scale or Ctrl+T) to scale the selection to the document’s size.
Transform Selection

Step 7

The metal texture is complete, but it doesn’t look realistic because of a lack of lighting. If you are using this tutorial to create a texture for a 3D modeling software, you can now import this texture to your software and let your 3D modeling software handle the lighting effects. If you want to add lighting with Photoshop, continue to the next step.

Step 8

To add a lighting effect to this texture, simply use the Lighting Effects filter (Filter> Render> Lighting Effects).
Lighting Effects Tool

Final Results

Metal Texture

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